Predator Prevention Certification

The Predator Prevention Certification program provides schools effective methods to decrease their risk of a sexual abuse incident, and then the expert level support to ensure the risk maintains low probability.

Over 92% of schools today use low cost background checks and increased supervision to mitigate the risk, but last year alone, schools dealt with over $340 million in negligence claims due to sexual abuse incidents.

Today’s schools, both public and private, face an estimated 1 in 14 chance of having a sexual abuse incident take
place on their campus.

Through the Predator Prevention Certification program, NewDawn Security not only provides you the 8 research-based and proven defensive methods to decrease the current risk, but we also assist the school in making sure the methods become, and stay, embedded at your site.

What this means is that for the first time ever, all schools and daycare centers can now prove that they have done, and will continue to do, everything possible to reduce the chance of being liable for a sexual abuse incident.

Click on Link Below to download our Predator and Sexual Abuse Prevention Protocol

Predator and Sexual Abuse Prevention Protocol

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Value for Schools

  • Identify and mitigate all risk factors
  • Measurable increase in levels of safety and security
  • Discipline incident reduction
  • Increase of positive school climate
  • Reduction of insurance liability rates


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Value for Parents

  • Increased peace of mind
  • Enhanced learning environment for your child
  • 24/7 Parental Concern reporting and advice line
  • Support and Empowerment Services provided


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How You Get Started

  1. Request an in-person presentation
  2. Schedule a confidential Safe School Assessment
  3. Receive results and proposal


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