School Security Assessment



When it comes to priorities nothing is more important than the safety of students in both public and private schools. This is why it is so important to have a comprehensive School Security Assessment done by an experienced School Security Consulting firm like NewDawn Security.

You see NewDawn security does not sell cameras,detection equipment or security systems. NewDawn Security understands they are all just tools that can be used but they are not the total solution.

A properly done School Security Assessment should provide you with an evaluation of your school’s vulnerabilities and threats and prioritize them so that action can be taken in a logical and timely fashion.

Some of the areas to address will be Climate/Culture assessment for each building, Safety Analysis for day to day operations,community issues and concerns,busing and transportation,and physical protection systems.

Some other areas that need to be looked at for gaps in security are parking lots,entrance ways,campus perimeters and of course the students perspective on whether they feel safe or not.

A lot of corrective actions and solutions to school security issues can be resolved by changing policy and procedures , and addressed through planning and training , it’s a matter of being proactive and getting out of complacency.

To learn more about NewDawn Security Assessment Services please visit our website at today !

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Value for Schools

  • Identify and mitigate all risk factors
  • Measurable increase in levels of safety and security
  • Discipline incident reduction
  • Increase of positive school climate
  • Reduction of insurance liability rates


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Value for Parents

  • Increased peace of mind
  • Enhanced learning environment for your child
  • 24/7 Parental Concern reporting and advice line
  • Support and Empowerment Services provided


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How You Get Started

  1. Request an in-person presentation
  2. Schedule a confidential Safe School Assessment
  3. Receive results and proposal


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