School Security News: Oregon women sentenced to federal prison for elementary school bomb threats

A 47 year old women from Albany Oregon has been sentenced to over 3 years in a federal penitentiary for threatening to bomb two elementary schools in the Albany Oregon area. Teachers and Students had to be evacuated as authorities searched for the devices. See Full Story Here:

[one_third padding=”15px 10px 10px 0px”]Value for Schools

  • Identify and mitigate all risk factors
  • Measurable increase in levels of safety and security
  • Discipline incident reduction
  • Increase of positive school climate
  • Reduction of insurance liability rates

[/one_third] [one_third padding=”15px 10px 10px 40px”] Value for Parents

  • Increased peace of mind
  • Enhanced learning environment for your child
  • 24/7 Parental Concern reporting and advice line
  • Support and Empowerment Services provided

[/one_third] [one_third padding=”15px 10px 10px 100px”] How You Get Started

  1. Request an in-person presentation
  2. Schedule a confidential Safe School Assessment
  3. Receive results and proposal
